31 Central American undocumented migrants located in Villa de Cos, Zacatecas


VILLA DE COS, ZACATECAS (April 15, 2021).-The State Preventive Police (PEP) located 31 undocumented persons when conducting an inspection on a passenger bus, in the Regional Security Unit (Unirse) of the municipality of Villa de Cos, Zacatecas; this, in response to a request from the National Migration Institute (INM).

The inspection was carried out on a bus of the Futura line that had departed from San Juan de Los Lagos, Jalisco. In it, the corporation detected people of different ages and gender, who claimed to be from countries such as Honduras and Guatemala.

In this regard, the authorities sought immediate communication with INM personnel to verify the immigration status of the 31 people and, by not proving their legal documentation to stay in the country.

The INM staff transferred 17 of them, of legal age, – two women and 15 men – to the facilities of the National Migration Institute in Zacatecas, while 14 minors – three girls and 11 boys – were taken to the facilities of the Office of the Attorney for the Protection of Girls, Boys, and Adolescents in the state of Zacatecas.

Source: NTR Zacatecas

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