Searching Mothers are ignored by AMLO in Zacatecas: they demand to be heard


2023 was the year with the most missing and unlocated people in the history of Zacatecas.

Members of groups searching for missing persons from the state of Zacatecas blocked the way of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom they asked for support in finding their relatives.

Upon leaving the event he led at the Convention Palace in the city of Zacatecas, a group of about 20 people intercepted the vehicle in which the president would travel to the next event on his agenda, in San Luis Potosí.

Some of the protesters stood in front of the vehicle, causing it to slow down for about 20 seconds, during which the president lowered the window to listen to the demands, although, in that brief period, the vehicle did not stop moving forward.

2023 was the year with the most missing and unlocated people in the history of Zacatecas. From January 1 to December 31, 1,185 people were reported missing or missing, of which 794 had not been found until the end of the year, according to data from the National Search Commission (CNB).

The above exceeds the balance of 1,125 disappearances, non-locations, and locations in 2021, which was considered the year with the highest incidence since the beginning of the registry in 1961. Of the 2021 cases, 654 people still missing.