Police of Guadalupe, Zacatecas will receive a salary increase


Mayor Julio César Chávez assured that it will be from the next fortnight

Commemorating Police Day, the mayor of Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Julio César Chávez Padilla, recognized the officers that make up the municipal corporation.

As part of the commemoration event, which only some of the police officers attended, given the health contingency caused by Covid-19, Julio César Chávez gave promotions in strict compliance with the Law of the National Public Security System, as well as seniority recognition, for completing one more degree of studies, for heroic acts and good performance, in addition to Unique Police Certificates that accredit the certification before the Ministry of Public Security.

In his message, the Mayor of Guadalupe, Julio César Chávez Padilla, paid tribute to the police officers who have died due to different circumstances and asked the officers who are active to maintain their service to Guadeloupeans with honor, loyalty, discipline, courage, and honesty.

The municipal president of Guadalupe pledged that the salary increase corresponding to 2021 becomes effective as of the first fortnight of the year, that is, this next January 15, and not until the middle of the year as was done previously, in addition to delivering in the first weeks of the year more motor units to the corporation.

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He added that among the improvements to the conditions of the elements that make up the corporation there is double life insurance for active officers, as well as quality uniforms chosen by the officers themselves, strengthening of the corporation’s tactical team, in addition to more motor units and salary increases of 13 and 9% in 2019 and 2020, respectively, direct to the salary of police officers.

The mayor also commented that, despite the fact that the Fortaseg program is no longer in operation, in view of the essential nature of Public Safety for citizens, “we allocate the resources that will supply the 16 million pesos that were received from the Federation, but now they will be their own resource ”, he assured.

You are heroes and heroines of flesh and blood who save lives every day, and I recognize that in the midst of the pandemic no one took a step back and I thank you for taking all the necessary steps forward to address the contingency and not only in the that refers to public safety, but also in the matter of health and social proximityJulio César Chávez Padilla. Mayor of Guadalupe, Zacatecas

GUADALUPE, ZACATECAS Y Su Majestuoso Ex Convento, Patrimonio de la  Humanidad ft Brisa Colibrí - YouTube

The mayor also recalled that at the beginning of his administration they made a mutual commitment, “that I would do everything possible to improve their conditions, and in return I asked that they comply with the certifications and training established by the General Law of Public Safety and the care and respect to the human rights of citizens ”, he mentioned.

To conclude, Julio César Chávez said that in the evaluation that was made last December during the Ordinary Session of the National Public Security Council, that of the municipality of Guadalupe, it turned out to be the best police in the state, and is among the best hundred of the country, “continue to serve with the same honor, loyalty and discipline that distinguishes the Guadalupe corporation and makes us proud, there is a long way to go but also a lot to be proud of, happy Police Day ,  concluded the mayor.

For her part, María de la Luz Domínguez Campos, president of the State Human Rights Commission, mentioned that citizens expect professional work from their police officers, who in turn have the duty to influence crime prevention in addition to seek social peace, and called on mayors and mayors to ensure that officers have social security and life insurance.

“To all the police officers who comply every day with legality, objectivity, efficiency, professionalism, honesty and respect for human rights, in their police tasks I express my appreciation and congratulations, and I hope that their daily work contributes to achieving a Zacatecas in peace and security, ”said the head of the State Human Rights Commission.

On behalf of the municipal corporation, official Gilberto Murillo González, expressed that it is with loyalty, professionalism and honesty that they serve the citizenry, “because there is no greater honor than caring for the citizenry; our life, strength and determination are to ensure the well-being of everyone who needs it ”, he said.

Source: elsoldezacatecas.com.mx

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