Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas is the municipality with the most golden eagles in Mexico


Zacatecas is the second state with the most pairs of golden eagles, with a total of 35 registered pairs; The municipality of Monte Escobedo remains the municipality in Mexico with the most pairs of golden eagles, with 15 registered pairs.

In the state of Zacatecas, deaths of golden eagles, an endangered species, have been recorded as a result of the birds colliding with wind turbines at the La Bufa wind farm, high-tension cables, poisoning or firearms, said the biologist. , Adan Camacho.

Although the presence of golden eagles has increased, even near urban areas, such as in Guadeloupe, the species is threatened by habitat invasion.

Volunteers from the different municipalities formed a group called “Eagle Knights,” which focuses on the monitoring and protection of the golden eagle, although they clarified that the resources they have are insufficient, and explained that they work with volunteers and contributions from the municipalities.

Camacho highlighted that pairs of golden eagles from Monte Escobedo, Valparaíso, Tepetongo, Susticacan and Fresnillo are currently being monitored.

The specialist also explained that there is a presence of the golden eagle in other municipalities such as Mazapil, Concepción del Oro, Genaro Codina, Guadalupe, Valparaíso, Jerez, Pinos, Ojocaliente and Villanueva.

“The golden eagle population has expanded, we have one or two new pairs in the last three years,” he mentioned.

He added that the golden eagle is a threatened species in regulation 059, due to the loss of habitat or extensive agriculture and livestock.

Finally, the biologist reported that seven telemetry transmitters were applied to eagles from Monte Escobedo and Valparaíso, so interesting data has been obtained, including the migration of birds to remote areas such as New Mexico and Texas.

Sources.- OEM / TV Azteca

Zacatecas Post